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Our Trust of Schools


At St James, we strongly recognise the need for vigilant awareness of safeguarding issues. All staff have received appropriate training and induction so they understand their roles and responsibilities and are confident about carrying them out.

Staff, pupils, parents and governors feel secure that they can raise any issues or concerns about the safety or welfare of children and know that they will be listened to and taken seriously. This is achieved by maintaining an ethos of safeguarding, promoting the welfare of children and young people and protecting staff.

We have a duty to refer all safeguarding issues to external agencies that need to be involved.

The safeguarding team at St James comprises the following staff:

  • Miss Emily Harper – Headteacher
  • Mr Mark Barlow – Deputy Head Teacher (DSL)
  • Miss Steffi Morby – Assistant Head Teacher
  • Mrs Hayley Walters - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Miss Bryony Blood Smith- Safeguarding and Home Liaison Officer
  • Julie Skinner is our nominated Safeguarding Governor

Well-Being Support Links

St James School has an ongoing and continuing commitment to safeguarding which includes: (you can find this in your child Knowledge organiser) 

  • A written Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and up to date child protection procedures which have been agreed with the governing body.
  • An identified designated lead with two designated deputies.
  • A nominated governor to champion child protection and safeguarding issues.
  • Training at the appropriate level for all staff and volunteers.
  • Robust staff recruitment and selection processes which safeguard children.

MASH – The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub

The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a partnership between Devon County Council (DCC), children’s social care, education and youth services, Devon NHS health services, Devon and Cornwall Police and the probation service working together to safeguard children and young people. A factsheet can be downloaded from the links and downloads section here.

Remember – if you are concerned about a child or young person in Devon and want to speak to someone, contact the MASH on 0345 155 1071 and give as much information as you can.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Department for Education publish a guide for Keeping Children Safe in Education. You can find the full PDF

The importance of the Prevent Strategy 

Prevent relates to the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 which came into force on 1 July 2015.
Since 1 July 2015 there has been a duty on schools to have ‘due regard to the need to Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. This is called the Prevent duty.

At St James, all our staff have completed whole school Prevent training and understand the importance of the Prevent strategy.

All our staff understand the duty they have to ensure British values are embedded into our curriculum and pastoral care to support healthy discussion and debate and to promote tolerance.

All our staff understand that any concerns around potential radicalisation and/or extremism should be treated as a safeguarding issue and reported to our safeguarding team.

Our safeguarding team understand the South West Prevent Strategy and how to make a referral.