Family Engagement
Here at St James, we promote strong positive communication with our families and the local community. We want to ensure there is an effective home-school partnership for the best interests of our young people and families.
Throughout the academic year, there are many opportunities for families and the wider community to engage with the school:
- At least one progress evening to meet with teachers, with additional specific themed evenings such as a year 7 Information evening, open evening and transition evening
- Monthly coffee mornings are hosted by the headteacher. This allows families to come together to support our school development.
- Regular headteacher tours showing families our teaching and learning environments, promoting our calm classrooms and learning environments
- Events that support families throughout the year, such as homework support, mental health support and careers and curriculum choices.
- Community Opportunities Group St James (COGS) events and fundraising activities, opening our school facilities to the community.
- Annual showcases and concerts throughout the year are performed by our Performing Arts students, keeping the arts at the heart of what we do.
COGS Community Opportunities Group St James
COGS is a newly established group, getting parents/carers together to exchange ideas to create community opportunities supporting St James' school along with meeting some new friends. We aim to deliver not only student opportunities but events for adults! To join and support families to grow and connect, email
School Communication
Our school communication is predominantly digital. This will be either email, text message or push notification via the MCAS App. We recommend families to download the MCAS app for the most effective communication.
My Child At School (MCAS)
My Child At School (MCAS) is our school portal that enables parents to view their child’s academic progress in real time. MCAS offers the following:
- Real-time attendance, assessment and behaviour data
- Communication via push notifications
- Letters and reports
- Option to purchase items/book trips/top up lunch (Coming Sept 2024)
If you have yet to register with MCAS, please email for a password reset link.
For the full parent guide on MCAS please refer to the PDF below.
We welcome our families to communicate with us as often as is needed, whether it is just a general query or question. We would recommend that you contact the school by email in the first instance, but if you wish to speak to someone over the phone, our main reception is open for phone calls between 08:00am – 16:30pm Monday – Friday.
Staff at St James have full timetables, including teaching commitments, meetings and enrichment activities, which means that it is unlikely that they will be immediately available. Therefore, please email, and you will receive a response within two working days.
If you have any issues you would like to discuss regarding your child’s time at St James, please do contact their tutor for the first instance. They are the best first point of contact to deal with individual concerns and worries.